Fractional Lab is the venture studio reimagined for the indie web entrepreneur.
We bring together the most talented engineers, designers, marketers, and founders to create incredible indie businesses.
How it works
Initial pitch
An Indie founder pitches an incredible idea to us for review. We take each pitch seriously and evaluate the potential for success and fit in the market.
Market test
We work closely with the founder to arrive at a small market test. Essentially, we work together to answer the question “will users pay money for this?”
We pitch and attach top talent to the vetted idea. These seasoned professionals bring their skills and abilities that they use in their day jobs to this fractional role building this incredible new product offering.
We launch the product and marketing campaigns. We capture metrics to determine success and whether the product is meeting it’s goals. Everyone who was involved with the product begins to receive checks as per their share of revenue from the business.
Support, Maintenance & Iterations
We continue to monitor the product, answer support requests, and come up with future plans via feature requests and product ideation. Our goal is to make this incredible business even more incredible for the users and the team involved with the build!